Canine Hydrotherapy Centre

Underwater Treadmill – Ring for Appointments

The Huntsman’s Dog and Cat Hotel Ltd operates a state-of-the-art Canine Hydrotherapy underwater treadmill, to add to our excellence in caring for dogs who suffer from health problems. It is also excellent for improving and maintaining a dog’s general fitness. Our staff are trained to the highest standards in Canine Hydrotherapy.

£60-00 per session 

Initial session includes free additional consultation period

Conditions That Can Benefit

Hydrotherapy with an underwater treadmill can benefit dogs during pre and post operative cruciate ligament rupture, as well as those suffering from patella surgeries, TPLO, hip replacements, hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, osteoarthritis, obesity, CDRM (early stages only), soft tissue injuries (strains and sprains), neurological disorders, pre and post whelping bitches, and exercise-intolerant cases. Treatment can also provide mental stimulation, correct gait patterns, and improve the fitness and quality of life of the patient. Please note that a Veterinary Referral is required for canine hydrotherapy treatment.



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